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Kamis, 11 November 2010

learning about Engineering Forensic

The Meaning of Forensic is a method which use to find and describe the cause of cases occur and something failed in use. Engineering forensic help to find the causes in failed condition and which is have disadvantages result. For example cases there are:
1.     Example of failure case in Engineering structure
Comet aircraft crashers in England, the speculation before that the plane was hit by a missile and have negative and positive aspect for the result of this speculation. But after have research carefully that the plane has a failure case in engineering structure. It was valve connector in cabin plane. So in this cases maker have responsible and all of the plane in this type should be grounded and for the result the makes was bankrupt.
2.     The crash down of the building
On of the floor in a building is crashing down. After the engineer forensic applied in this case, the officer can find the causes that the technical maker have different plan between in blue print and the reality. So the maker should be have responsible
3.     The Incident of boeing 747 in Japan which have 547 people die as victim
4.     The Broken Wire Rope
Usually in this case happen in Gondola / cleaner facility of window building. In this case speculated that the maintenance officer should be responsible
Engineering forensic is a science or application from any knowledge to help legal system to find the subject who has responsible of the cases. The purpose only for justice.
            The forensic science also have structure, the subdivision of forensic science are criminalistic for example the trial of ballistic, archeology, biology, topology, engineering forensic, digital forensic and geology forensic.
The development of forensic :
1.     Traditional forensic
2.     Science needed
3.     a specific school of forensic
Engineering forensic use technical methodology for answer a problem or a causes the failure. For example to improve age of component or performance, analyze the patent, failure analysis, and root cause analysis.
Failure analyze focus on the components or parts of machine and building. The Root cause analyze beside on the components also focus on the management as the root causes.
Forensic engineering based on the physical proof which can be analyze by failure and root cause analyze.

1 komentar:

  1. blog ini akan emberikan petunjuk untuk mahasiswa konsentrasi pidana
    god luck
